
Piper Cut Downs

Saws with excessive damage can be cut down into a smaller saw. This creates a like new saw from what is otherwise scrap metal. Machined with our CNC milling machines and hammered for your mill, it is as close to a new saw as you can get.

Priced at $25.00 per tooth. For example a 56 x 50 would be $1250.00, a 48 x 44 would be $1100.00.

Piper Cutdown$25.00 tooth
inserted tooth saw blades

Inserted Tooth Saws

Simonds Trademark Series & Piper's Saw Brands

See Circle Saws

bits and shanks

Saw Bits & Shanks

Simonds and Piper Brands

Carbide & Steel

See Saw Bits & Shanks

knife grinder

Piper Knife Grinder

Ideal for a small shop or mill environment

or anyone wanting to maintain their own knives

See Piper Equipment